Browse our catalog of sweeping historical epics, breathtaking romantic dramas. Department of Hair - A hair salon owned by Furlecia. Explore our hand-picked collections of PBS dramas to find your new favorite show.Tony's Pizzeria - A pizza parlor owned by Teeny Tiny Tony.Arlo and Bertie's house - The residence of Arlo and Bertie.The Fountain - The central fountain of the boardwalk the residence of Marcellus.Once Ansel became a success, he began planning to replace SBS with a city expansion, but through the love of his son Arlo, he decides against it and lets him and his gang rebuild it and make it their home. SBS soon grew old and lost nearly all of its population, to the point of becoming a ghost town. Some of the children in particular, bullied him over his half-bird appearance, making him feel left out it is that moment he swears to keep his bird side a secret from most others, and left SBS for Manhattan to pursue a career in business.

It was originally the home of Ansel Beauregard during his child years while living there, he wasn't taken kindly by most of the residents.